Mythbusters: Whole Milk or Skim Milk?

Hello world!

I’m back with another round of myth busters 😀 If you haven’t already seen the previous post on the time myth, do check it out!

I’m sure you’ve been told not to drink whole milk, because ‘whole milk makes you fat’. Well, we’ll see about that!


If you think about it, in its natural form, milk has naturally-occuring fat. Remove that, and you’ll be modifying something from it’s original form as nature had intended, and replacing it with.. chemicals. Mmm tasty.

How delicious does some aspartame sound?

Of course, any discerning reader wouldn’t take my word for it, so here are some studies that show why whole milk is better than skim milk.

The Physicians for Responsible Medicine (PFRM) report that a recent study published in Archives of Disease in Childhood found that low-fat milk did not lower obesity rates among small children. In fact, kids that drank one percent or skim milk were more likely to be overweight or obese than kids that drank whole milk.

An earlier study, published in Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, came up with similar results. Tracking 12 adolescents for four years, the researchers found that drinking skim milk and one percent milk was associated with weight gain but milk fat was not.

Source: Here

If that isn’t enough to stop you from drinking chemical-laden skim/fat-free milk, do consider the effects of removing fat from milk. Milk fat is good because it helps you to absorb fat-soluble vitamins and nutrients. Strip away the fat so that you can reduce calories, and you’d be better off drinking water since your body won’t be able to absorb the nutrients.

You may be cutting calories, but you’ll also be losing out on a great deal of nutrients! And honestly, nutrients > calories any day.

Don’t believe me?

Let’s hear from another source:

Real milk really does do a body good. It has many valuable nutrients in it. In addition to vital minerals like calcium, milk provides vitamins D, A, E, and K.

Well, skim milk actually has no vitamin K because it’s concentrated in the butterfat of the milk. And as for the others? They are fat-soluble vitamins. So even if you were to get a little bit of them in from drinking your fat-free milk, you won’t actually be able to absorb and assimilate them into your body. Unless, maybe, you paired your glass of skim with a nice heaping spread of butter over toast or something!

As for the rest of the nutrition in skim milk from factory farms? Well, it does provide a bit of denatured (and therefore, potentially quite harmful) protein, thanks to high-heat pasteurization. But no beneficial enzymes and probiotic microflora — those are all killed off in the pasteurization process — which aid in digestion.

Source: here

The miracle of genetic engineering

Finally to end off with some proof of the matter, here are results from a study that tested dairy fat intake and the development of obesity in individuals.

197 men (15%) developed central obesity during follow-up. A low intake of dairy fat at baseline (no butter and low fat milk and seldom/never whipping cream) was associated with a higher risk of developing central obesity (OR 1.53, 95% CI 1.05-2.24) and a high intake of dairy fat (butter as spread and high fat milk and whipping cream) was associated with a lower risk of central obesity (OR 0.52, 95% CI 0.33-0.83) as compared with medium intake (all other combinations of spread, milk, and cream) after adjustment for intake of fruit and vegetables, smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, age, education, and profession. The associations between dairy fat intake and central obesity were consistent across body mass index categories at baseline.


A high intake of dairy fat was associated with a lower risk of central obesity and a low dairy fat intake was associated with a higher risk of central obesity.

I think the importance of this myth busting series, is that the claims are substantiated by studies, so that we know the reality of the matter. But as always, you can always trust me to put the truth to the test.

Since these studies cover the long-term benefits of whole milk, and the detriments of skim milk, I’ll just focus on something more short term, something tangible — The taste.

I drank a glass of skim milk,and a glass of whole milk, to compare the tastes.

Well, the skim milk definitely tasted lighter and ‘cleaner’ since the fat was removed, but it had a strange aftertaste to it. After I finished the glass, my face was kind of like this:

Not sure what this is… but it ain’t natural.

On the other hand, (literally, the glass was in my other hand haha) the whole milk had a creamier texture, and a fuller flavour, leaving me feeling very satisfied.


And honestly, don’t you think it’s kind of weird that someone tampered with the breast milk that  you drank from your mother’s bosom? It’s not natural! Mothers don’t have a ‘skim milk’ option, so I don’t see why we should drink what the food industry has created as a ‘healthier substitute’

So I think the choice is clear, and yet another myth has been debunked!
Stay natural, choose WHOLE milk! 
The babies know what they are doing… they haven’t had a chance to be brain-washed by the food industry and mass media 😀

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